Jane Evison
After graduating from Cambridge University in 1984, I worked in print media until joining Croda Chemicals Ltd as Sales & Marketing Executive, where I gained my introduction to the cosmetics and personal care industry. At the first ever in-cosmetics exhibition in Birmingham, I met Nancy Allured, Publisher of Cosmetics & Toiletries magazine, a leading peer-reviewed international scientific trade journal, which I then joined as European Representative in 1993. I remained there until 2015, when I took some time out from industry and in 2018, I re-joined the Allured Business Media team as freelance European Correspondent.
Despite being a ‘non-scientist’, I have worked for many years in communication on the technical and scientific side of the industry. I am committed to spreading the word about the science behind cosmetics to help the consumer understand more about the products they use and to promote STEM career pathways into the cosmetic industry.
I strongly believe in the power of networking and collaboration, especially with a strong international focus, which is why I am delighted to represent Cosmetics Cluster UK on the board of the Global Cosmetics Cluster and lead the Network Dynamics Committee. I am keen to help grow Cosmetics Cluster UK, with focus on the four key pillars of networking and global clusters, education and skills, sustainability and research and innovation.