‘Brexit – now it is the ‘real deal’ – what is happening?’
CCUK's joint webinar with GCC on March 11 considered the impact of Brexit during the first quarter of 2021 with the new regulatory and trading landscape and we shared insights learned from experiences so far, with views from both sides of the Channel. oir those who missed it, the webinar was recorded and is available to watch on YouTube.
https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/yZqQ66YNIFyo1_FbcQIbiDTlptXM0uFTrVHLFGvbRueeIa-yl_Hfh7CtgbnTxTa3.gCyu7Oddv6gt-AWU Passcode: 8&0ZU@!g
Introduction and overview – Jane Evison, Director, CCUK
The new UK regulatory landscape – Francesca Rapolla, Regulatory Affairs Manager, CTPA
Trading challenges for UK companies marketing in the EU – Rachel Whitaker, UK Logistics Consultant, Indie Beauty Delivers
Regulatory challenges for EU and ROW companies marketing in the UK - Mrs Agathe Goyon, Regulatory Affairs Director and Mrs Nataliya Muller, Cosmetics Business Manager, Ecomundo
Panel discussion